In addition to 11 effects from Sonitus, there is the ‘Pantheon’ reverb from Lexicon, who are famed for making some of the best (and most expensive) studio hardware reverbs in the biz, ‘Groovesynth’ from Roland, which makes up for in classic sounds, what it lacks in programmability and ‘V-Vocal’, which allows you to turn audio clips of 6 minutes or less into ‘elastic audio’, courtesy of Roland’s Variphrase technology. One of the things that distinguishes Sonar from most of the other DAWs on the market is the big name third party technology inside. Not that you’re limited to 32 bit computing…for anyone ‘brave’ enough to be running Windows XP Professional 圆4 Edition, there’s a native 64 bit version of Sonar included on the installation DVD, which is claimed to offer 20-30% processing performance gains and which can access up to 128 GB of RAM…if you can access the funds needed to purchase 128GB RAM that is… An industry first, it allows you to work natively with 64 bit audio…even on 32 bit computers/operating systems…at sample rates of up to 500khz…allowing for some serious hatroom. Something else that will cause a rapture is Sonar’s 64-bit double precision floating point mix engine.

Of these, Sonar is, relatively rapping, the new kid on the blog, but don’t underestimate it…though it doesn’t have quite the same pedigree as its two main rivals, it costs half the price, offers a very similar feature set and has some unique tricks up its sleeve, that make it worthy of serious consideration.īut don’t spend too long considering it, otherwise you might find that version 6 has been superseded by version 7…after all, a year elapsed between the release of version 4 and version 5…but only 9 months between the release of version 5 and version 6…so at this rate, I predict that version 7 will be available in 6 months…version 8 in 3 months…version 9 will be released simultaneously with version 10…and version 11 will cause a rupture in the fabric of the space time continuum…or possibly a rapture…

If you want to run an old school DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) package on your PC, you have a choice of three applications, Cubase, Pro Tools and Sonar.